intimate portraits

an online workshop on cultivating self-intimacy through a practice of self-portraiture

intimate portraits.



intimate portraits is an online workshop on cultivating self-intimacy through a practice of self-portraiture. Over 2.5 hours, we’ll release shame and fear, move into pleasure and embodiment, and unlock a new creative practice.


you will leave class with:

  • THE COLORS that make you feel most at home in your skin.

  • THE TOOLS to observe and notice bodies with neutrality.

  • THE PRACTICE of embodiment.

  • THE VISION of a complete photoset, ready to be created!

this class is for you if:

  • you want to explore sensuality as something that is just for you and no one else, first and foremost.

  • you have felt dissociated from your body and want to come home to yourself.

  • you delight in playing with light and shapes and texture and colors!

  • pleasure feels terrifying, shame feels overwhelming, and you want some tools to engage gently.

  • you are not sure if you are an artist or if you’re creative or maybe you’re just a human (all humans are creative!)

  • you, too, believe that beauty and joy can be reason enough.


Who is this for?

All bodies, genders, sexualities, and abilities are welcome. Class is only open to adults age 18+.

Will class be recorded?

To protect privacy, the recording will not be available. All other materials will be shared via the course platform. The live zoom will have closed captions.

Will you solve all my problems?

I am not a physical, mental, or behavioral health provider, a therapist, or a clinician. I cannot “fix” or take away pain or grief or trauma. I am a teacher and a writer, a doula and a facilitator — what I can do is offer you the tools that I have learned over a lifetime of study and practice.

Is this class enough for me? Am I enough for this class?

Intimacy and vulnerability are just invitations; the depth is always up to you and your agency and choice. I keep this class small to support safety, connection, and a closed container.

What is the container?

This class will not tolerate bias, discrimination, bigotry of any kind, including self-harming language. ALSO we are all in a process of learning and unlearning, and this class will encourage undoing our own internalized -isms.

How much does it cost?

The cost of this class is $76. If this is inaccessible to you, please reach out to All sales are final.

with gratitude to my teachers: birth workers, abortion workers, sex workers, disabled and chronically ill relatives and ancestors, queer chosen family