how to recover

an online class on building a personal practice of restoration and care

a brown woman with long dark hair and big brown glasses sits in a garden, wearing a black shirt and red linen pants.

HOW TO RECOVER is an online class where we learn to deepen our own practices of healing and care.

Over five weeks, we will explore tools to build containers of safety, ways to reckon with the things that hurt, routines and rituals to support resilience and restoration, and systems to make care sustainable, pleasurable, and joyful.

If you are a person with a body and a brain, I made this class for you.

Future cohorts to be announced. Sign up for the waitlist to be notified when enrollment opens.


module 1: RITUAL

on making a container

module 2: PAIN

on allowing ourselves to break


on putting ourselves back together


on what comes next (a lifelong practice)

you will receive

  • four live zoom sessions

  • recorded audio meditations

  • bodywork and brainwork, including accessible movement practices and writing prompts

  • dedicated time to practice and share

  • a private community to build joyful connection


Will class be recorded?

I encourage you to be present for all live sessions, but they will be recorded if you have to miss one. This class has closed captions.

Will you solve all my problems?

I am not a physical, mental, or behavioral health provider, a therapist, or a clinician. I cannot “fix” or take away pain or grief or trauma. I am a teacher and a writer, a doula and a facilitator — what I can do is offer you the tools that I have learned over a lifetime of study and practice.

Is this class enough for me? Am I enough for this class?

Intimacy and vulnerability are just invitations; the depth is always up to you and your agency and choice. I keep this class small to support safety, connection, and a closed container.

There is no such thing as sick “enough,” or in pain “enough,” or recovered “enough,” or healed “enough.” If you are a person with a body and a brain, you are welcome.

What is the container?

This class will not tolerate bias, discrimination, bigotry of any kind, including self-harming language. ALSO we are all in a process of learning and unlearning, and this class will encourage undoing our own internalized -isms.

How much does it cost?

The cost of this class is $216. If this is financially inaccessible to you, there are five scholarship spots available; please reach out to All sales are final.

with gratitude to my teachers: birth workers, abortion workers, sex workers, disabled and chronically ill relatives and ancestors, queer chosen family