new year same me

this new year has been a shock to my system. for the first time in my life, I’ve been consumed by the idea of a fresh start, a new me, leave the old behind and begin again. I’ve ritualized it - intentions and visions and altars and tarot spreads and beeswax candles and incense and bowls of salt water - begin again, begin again, begin again. be different, this time.

and I realized, this time, that I need to build a container for last year, because last year was the year of my rape and the healing from it. last year was the year I learned to heal myself because I had no choice but to sit down and deal with it - with physical and talk therapy (highly recommend), with nine months of intensive yoga, with alcohol (do not recommend), with homemade bread and bone broth and rosehip syrup.

what I learned by trying to beat myself over the head into being different this time, is that healing means something else.

so I am building a container for last year. it will contain my rape, but it will also contain my yearning for care and the ways in which I learned to care for and heal my self and my body. last year is the foundation for this year, for this new season of nourishing.

a few medicines for the first full moon of the new year:


i sing the body electric


what kind of pain is your pain?