i want to wish you an abundant pride

this year, I want to wish people an abundant Pride.

the older I get, the more intensely I feel about Pride. which tracks -- the older I get, the queerer I get. (or, the more I come home to myself). but also every year I have a deeper and deeper gratitude for the fact that Pride was a riot led by Black trans women, drag queens, sex workers.

the idea that we get to celebrate a queer month or recognize our queer family - or frankly just BE queer - every year that feels more profoundly like a gift, a blessing that exacted a heavy price.

I don't want to wish you a happy Pride because it feels incomplete, flattened, a fraction of what it means to be queer or to celebrate Pride.

I want to wish you a joyous Pride, a riotous Pride, a colorful Pride, a blossoming Pride, a political Pride, a delightful Pride, a radical Pride, a sensual Pride, a historical Pride.

I want to wish you an abundant Pride.

be well, friends.


on Roe: what comes next


an oath